

Take a walk to Harris Teeter to buy _____________


Along the way, pay attention to what is around you so that you can fill in the map, answer the questions and follow the directions below.


Wherever you see a white space on the map – write in the missing street name.


What are the 2 businesses at point B?


Mark on the map where Circle K is


What 2 cross streets are near the mailbox?


Write the name of the business close to where you are when it is  :30 minutes past the hour  ________________________________________________________


What do they sell at point E?


What is the business at point A?


Who can park at the front of the Key Man building?


Write the name of the business close to where you are when it is  :45 minutes past the hour  ________________________________________________________


Get a take out menu from the restaurant at point C


Name the business at point D


Mark on the map where Maddi’s store is